May 29Liked by Ed Steckley Illustrator

Some days, Substack has Serendipity riding on its shoulders. I was just thinking of a little caricature drawing some guy did in the waiting room of the vet's office when I and my daughter took a little birds in. (Not a good thing to do BTW no matter what good intentions we have.) Anyway, I thought about that whole line of artwork in public that is so commonly seen in parks and resorts, but WOW it takes a special kind of artists to whip those memorable pictures out. I'll bet every one done is stored in a scrapbook somewhere. I still have a portrait (not a caricature) done at Disneyland when I was six. A pastel, no less. Your twenty years in that field is the stuff of memories, Ed. Bravo! A life well lived.

Meanwhile, good luck to you and Moira for a successful settling-in to your new digs.

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Did you use the Tombow (plus a bolder marker) on the live drawings?

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Good luck to you and cat in your new digs.

Missed in. NYC by Arnie and Caroline

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