thank you for that great tour of your old studio, and have fun settling in to your new one. Do you feel you have to readjust your physical movements to navigate a new space like that? Silly question, I know, but I felt that when I moved from one house to another ... one kitchen to another. The kitchen was my workspace, even tough I don't cook other than regular meals. When we moved, I felt this weirdness, a physical sensation of strangeness, moving around in that new kitchen. A different shape, layout, etc. Appliances had different knobs in odd places. So, does that happen to you as you reposition all your surfaces, drawers, and tools?

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Hi Ed, I love this whole piece. I ask you to consider changing or removing the sentence about the clutter of your studio setting off someone else's OCD. As someone with OCD, I find this kind of reference perpetuates the stereotypes associated with a serious mental illness. You seem like a really nice guy, and I'm sure this was not your intention. I'm just trying to help get greater understanding of and knowledge about OCD in its many forms.out there. I hope you take these comments in the spirit in which they are written, which is not angry or accusatory. As I said, just trying to get the word out there. Best regards, Joe Goldstein 😀 jeez672yt@gmail.com

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