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Oh, you’re gonna love this…

Here at the Steckley Post (still working on a snappy title), I’ll be posting drawings, doodles, interviews (hint hint), insights…. you name it.

There’s a lot going on in the world of illustration. To coin a brand new term, ‘The times they are a-changin!’ (You’re welcome!). As I navigate this weird, new strange world, this is where I’ll share my thoughts on what’s new, what’s old, and what has & hasn’t stayed the same since I started, some 30+ years ago.

There’ll also be fun stuff: process shots & videos, to behind-the-scenes goings on of my corner of the illustration world, to fun, out & about snippets. Pertinent stuff that’s going on with me professionally will be shared… the good, and the not-so-good.

I do hope you enjoy! Feedback is always welcome, especially when applied with a grain of salt!

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Humorous Illustrator for children’s books, Mad magazine and all sorts of fun stuff. Medium sized brain. Pretty decent cook.